
Our Mission & Goals

Founded in 2022, the mission of the Virginians For Children First is to defend our children, and support the parents and teachers of Virginia. 

Our focus is to hold our school board and administrators accountable to ensure they are upholding our rights under the Constitution of the United States of America. 

We will not allow government overreach in education and we will protect our children’s innocence from harmful agendas at all costs through litigation, and transparent communication to the community. 

Educating and empowering our community with resources, training, advocacy opportunities, community events to bring awareness of what’s happening in our public schools, and restore common sense back in education.

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Tell Superintendent Balow and Governor Youngkin that the Social Emotional Learning Legislation, HB753, does not have to be transformative SEL by CASEL; which is done through a lens of equity and social justice, meaning their guidance on divisive concepts has been recognized by the PARENTS FOR YOUNGKIN as nothing more than smoke and mirrors. 


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We need volunteers for many areas of our organization and all skill sets are welcome, we can help get you started and placed in a role as soon as possible.

Even if you have no idea how you can contribute please sign up today and we promise you we can help find a way you can contribute.

We need you!

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We have big things in motion and as a non-profit, every penny you donate will go straight to doing amazing tasks for the 1.25 million children in public schools in Virginia and for those children whose parents have no choice but to leave their children in that environment because of the lack of their resources for homeschooling. We can help change all this with your help!
EVERYTHING we do for these kids costs money- from travel costs, supplies, FOIAs, event planning and fees.
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You can not fight what you do not understand and “understanding” in this day and age means flipping the coin over, even if just for a quick study, to gain perspective into what it looks like to see the world through the “lens” the other side views EVERYTHING through.
When you have the information to talk more comfortably about what you know in your heart is wrong or simply doesn’t make sense it is amazing the strength you will find in yourself to be honest and more open with what you see going on in the world around you.

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The federal government and the Department of Education seems to forget more and more every day that parents are recognized as having the primary responsibility for the upbringing of their children, including education. “It is States and communities, as well as public and private organizations of all kinds, that establish schools and colleges, develop curricula, and determine requirements for enrollment and graduation. The structure of education finance in America reflects this predominant State and local role.”

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There are more way to educate yourself on what is going on in public education than there have ever been before- the #1 problem is transparency and the expectation that parents and the communities paying for this “fed.ed” know, first what to look for and second where to start. Fed.ed now includes the majority of private schools and higher education after the ARP funds were handed out last year.

Every day our children go to school and have data collected on them and computed in ways we could have never imagined- because we have trusted the public school system for so long that even though our parental gut instincts told us, months, years, or even decades ago that there was something very anti-American about the slow creep of Federalized education we saw glimpses of, if not the full scope of it.

Now, with no textbooks to read through, paper tests to look over once graded, a folder of homework sent home, or even carbon interim report cards to sign and send back- those little rectangle electronic devices we once thought miraculous are tallying up positive or negative data stored in whatever mysterious realm where all we are told is that “it is safe because it is in the United States”


“The Reason We Learn” YouTube Channel  &  VAFCF VP Anne Taydus

Deb Fillman “This is the first OF 8 in a series of reports on how the US. Ed. Dept. is using our tax dollars to undermine federalism, nationalize ideological education, and subvert the civil rights of parents and children alike. VA Warrior Mom, aka Anne Craft Taydus, is the co-founder and Vice President of Virginians for Children First, a grassroots non-profit dedicated to action, accountability and creating long term change in the Commonwealth, so all children will thrive and prosper.

"Why We Are Losing Good Teachers" With Sloan Rachmuth and Anne Taydus (Short Clip)

Click Here for Full Video


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