

In a world where our voices can be silenced by simply using words like “racist”, “bigot” or “disinformation”, it is absolutely essential for you to know the facts about what you are speaking on or against because basic common sense just doesn’t cut it anymore.

Words have meaning and these meanings have been hijacked, so the once benign way we perceive them is how we are often bullied into submission.

You can not fight what you do not understand and “understanding” in this day and age means flipping the coin over, even if just for a quick study, to gain perspective into what it looks like to see the world through the “lens” the other side views EVERYTHING through.

When you have the information to talk more comfortably about what you know in your heart is wrong or simply doesn’t make sense it is amazing the strength you will find in yourself, to be honest, and more open with what you see going on in the world around you.

Having difficult conversations about hard topics we may not feel comfortable talking about usually, is the ONLY way we will stop the ignorance we see and hear every day and is the reason we have created this section.

Knowing where to begin is usually where most parents and advocates get stuck because it is ABSOLUTELY OVERWHELMING and we get it! So let’s get started- TOGETHER!